Shelter for Ukraine refugees
Solidarity, support and shelter
As the crisis in Ukraine continues to unfold, some 2 million refugees have fled into Poland, Romania, and Hungary. As an organization that has been supporting shelter needs worldwide Habitat responded immediately in the neighboring countries: Poland, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia.
Our teams of shelter experts are already working with other aid organizations and government officials at the border in Romania and Hungary and we are collaborating with partners on an appropriate response in Poland and Slovakia. We offer exhausted refugees a first safe place for them to gather their strengths and help with their first basic needs.
With predictions of millions of refugees arriving and looking to settle across Romania, Hungary and chiefly Poland, we know that the biggest challenge facing host communities is an existing housing deficit which can only be exacerbated by the huge influx of refugees. That is why Habitat is already working on the next step making arrangements where refugees can be offered long term shelter enabling them to start building back their lives for better or worse.
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Habitats help for the refugees from the Ukraine consists of three phases: read all about it here >>
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