International School of Amsterdam

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A team of 9 students and 3 teachers from the International School of Amsterdam will spend one week to help build a house in Romania. The team will be building near Bucharest from June 22 - June 30th, 2019. This will be the 5th time that a team from ISA will join a Global Village trip. Previously they built in Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Poland and also Romania.


when    June 22 - 30 2019
where   Romania
price   € 1.850

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participants   want to know who has already registered? click here


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€100 30-06-2019 | 13:43 To: My Trip with Habitat for Humanity Netherlands To support our friend, our family, Lilly with her compassionate plan for the future of these people in need!
€100 25-06-2019 | 14:44 To: My Trip with Habitat for Humanity Netherlands Work hard and have a great trip, Lilly! Love Uncle Dave and Aunt Karla
€100 20-06-2019 | 23:39 To: My Trip with Habitat for Humanity Netherlands Debby and I believe in Lilly and her motivation and desire to help others
€50 20-06-2019 | 16:53 To: My Trip with Habitat for Humanity Netherlands
€50 20-06-2019 | 09:26 To: My Trip with Habitat for Humanity Netherlands
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Day 3

23-06-2019 | 22:26  Day 3 - RikakoIt was our first day of visiting the building site. We departed the hotel at 8:00 am which was a bit early for us. It was about 20 minutes ride from the hotel to the building site. The weather at the building site was cloudy and cool so that it was nice weather for our first experience on constructing a house. We had two major tasks to work on: carrying the dirt and making the base of a roof. It was endless to dig dirt and it was a tiring job. For the roof, it was fun to hammer the nails but when we flip the wooden frame of the roof, all of the members cooperated to rift and move it. After we ate the lunch, there was a thunderstorm and it suddenly started to rain heavily, so our first work experience ended earlier than we expected. For tomorrow, we look forward to have a wonderful weather for the entire day!
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