House of HR Build Trip

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Do you want to help build a Habitat Home? Join us on this Global Village trip. You will build a week together with your team, local skilled workers and the future homeowners on their new home.


when    8 - 16 october 2022
where   Roemenië
price   € 3.300 (including donation of € 2.100, not included: travel ticket)
to join   click 'Join this team' and choose 'individual' on the next page
participants   want to know who else is joingin? click here


Habitat for Humanity Romania
Habitat Romania builds houses, renovates, advises and supports. They organize energy efficient and disaster reduction programs to assist vulnerable groups. The organizations campaigns national and regional to raise funds for their projects. They work closely with many corporate partners that support their projects.

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€305 16-11-2022 | 00:00 To: Ik bouw mee met Habitat. Samen bouwen we een beter leven.
€645 19-10-2022 | 09:19 To: Ik bouw mee met Habitat. Samen bouwen we een beter leven.
€637 13-10-2022 | 12:23 To: Ik bouw mee met Habitat. Samen bouwen we een beter leven. Toppers!!
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Day 7

15-10-2022 | 10:10   Today is the last day of our building week. We started the week as strangers to another and we leave as a team of friends. Asking the teammembers what they will remember, we all have similar answers. Number one of the answers is “the people”. Not only how we melted to be a team but also the Romanian construction workers that were our patient teachers and who were always full of respect. The second answer was about achieving results even when you don’t speak each other’s language. With good will there should be no problem. We have analysed that our positive mindset and the purpose of our travel is the basis for our connection. Our great guide Adi describes our team as: happy, bringinging fun to the construction site, result oriented and hardworking. He sometimes needed to force us to take breaks. And now for our achievements of which we are very proud. We have constructed 38 roof trusses and wooden frames for 1,5 duplex house. These are 39 frames. We ourselves are impressed with the result and the things we have learned. It has been a good week. All good things come to an end. With a wonderful ceremony in the presence of the families who will be the owners of the house, we got to say goodbye to the workers and the construction site. Thank you Adi and our Dutch guide Margo for the touching words. It has been an unforgettable and rewarding experience. We are happy to believe we have made a small contribution in changing the life of four families. Thank you House of HR for this experience. And thank you Thomas for visiting us. I am amazing, YOU are amazing, WE are amazing. 😂😂😂😂 Love, Hanneke  
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