Dam-tot-Damloop 2023 [copy]
On September 17thd one of the biggest running events in the world will take place again in Amsterdam: the Dam tot Damloop! Fifty thousand runners are able to participate in the 36th edition of the Dam tot Damloop on Sunday 17 September. What makes this event so special are the great atmosphere, the unique passage through the IJtunnel, it being one of the biggest business runs in the world, and the start and finish are located in two different cities.The main distance is 10 English Mile.
This year Habitat will bring a running team to the start for the sixth time: 20 people will run and raise funds for Habitat for Humanity Netherlands.Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit organization that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action worldwide.
You can help! Run the Dam-tot-Damloop in our team and mobilize your network to sponsor you. Combine being active with a fundraiser! Click Join the team and run for Habitat!
All team members are asked for a registration fee of € 25 and to raise funds for Habitat, a minimum target of another € 225 for one of our projects. We will arrange your starting ticket, you will get a Habitat running shirt and ofcourse we will help you with all information, tips and tricks needed to raise sponsors!
Want to know more about the Dam tot Damloop? Please check https://www.damloop.com/news
What are we running for?
As you know, Habitat builds houses, because we believe that a safe house is the basis for a better future. More than 46 million people already live in a Habitat house, but there is still a lot more to do: 1 in every 5 people in the world still lives in a slum!
With the Damloop donations you support the work of Habitat: we still support refugees from Ukraine who fled their own homes because of the war. But we also work in Nepal where we continuously provide landrights for women so they can stay in their houses, also when their husbands are not there anymore. And we continue to work in Uganda, for example, where we not only build houses, but also give young people the opportunity to follow vocational training, so that they can provide for their own income and that of their family. We also provide access to clean drinking water and proper toilets. Together we build better lives!
Latest donations
View allTop fundraisers
1 €2,161
Jill Dorjath
Sundance #7. Building a home & securing land rights for women in Nepal -
Jan Alberdingk Thijm
Ik ren met Habitat for Humanity -
Stephan Nugter
Ik ren met Habitat for Humanity -
4 €330
Liam Bourke
I'm running with Habitat for Humanity -
Christophe Jager
Ik ren met Habitat for Humanity