HEINEKEN Ireland Employee Fundraising for Ukraine

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from €3,000 (2029%)

We invite HEINEKEN Ireland colleagues to support the HEINEKEN global fundraising efforts for Habitat for Humanity to help Ukrainian refugees find safety and shelter. Globally, HEINEKEN has donated an initial €300,000 to Habitat for Humanity and HEINEKEN Ireland is supporting this with an additional €60,000 donation. Initially this money will help to provide emergency shelter, including food, water, lighting, heating, and electricity to families who have fled the Ukraine and as a next step Habitat will use the funding in finding more permanent solutions where needed. Every donation counts, even the smallest ones. #HEINEKENCares

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€50 31-03-2022 | 17:07
€60,000 31-03-2022 | 10:44
€50 30-03-2022 | 09:29
€80 28-03-2022 | 15:56
€50 25-03-2022 | 10:19