Together we build better lives
Will you build with us?
You can help in many different ways – participate in a marathon, organize an auction, bake cookies, or go on a weeklong trip to build a safe and decent home for a family in a developing country. Everything is possible.
Register for one of our events or start an event of your own. Create your own fundraising page and involve your family, friends and colleagues. Habitat will support your fundraiser with tips and tricks and we will provide you with all materials needed to make your event a success!
Or do you want to participate in a Global Village trip? If so, go to Global Village teams and register for the trip of a lifetime.
Whatever you decide to do, every contribution will be greatly appreciated! Together we will build a home and a future for many more families.
Start fundraising!
View allCreate your fundraising page or join a team with friends, co-workers, your sports team or class mates. Take a look at these inspiring examples.
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View allDe bouwreis gaat definitief door!
27-11-2024 | 11:12 Posted on: Ik bouw mee met Habitat. Samen bouwen we een beter leven. - Posted on: Ik bouw mee met Habitat. Samen bouwen we een beter leven. Beste medereizigers, De reis gaat definitief door, gezien het huidige aantal personen die zich hebben ingeschreven!Ik heb er zin in!We hopen dat er nog een aantal enthousiaste mensen meegaan. Met een hartelijke groet, Arjan van OostenTop fundraisers
1 €5,025
JA! Makelaardij
JA! Makelaardij bouwt mee! -
2 €3,841
Marcel Huveneers
Donaties voor 25-jarig werkjubileum Marcel Huveneers -
3 €2,161
Jill Dorjath
Sundance #7. Building a home & securing land rights for women in Nepal -
4 €1,650
Caroline van de Bilt
Caro gaat bouwen in Kenia! Met Habitat for humanity! -
5 €1,500
Tanja van der Linde
Tanja naar Kenia